Sanuki udon is a udon of Kagawa Prefecture specialty .
If you want to use the name of the " Sanuki Udon ", " Sanuki Udon " in Japan, it does not currently limit.(National student noodles Fair Trade Council and the Fair Trade Commission has expressed the view that " where things can be made the same.")
However, the reference in the case of displaying specialty, specialty, home, specialties, etc. in raw noodles, and due to the following.
Those produced in Kagawa Prefecture
Handmade , those of handmade formula
加水量 - 小麦粉重量に対し40%以上
Hydrolytic amount - flour weight for the more than 40%
食塩 - 小麦粉重量に対し3%以上
Salt - flour weight for 3 % or more
熟成時間 - 2時間以上
Aging time - 2 hours or more
ゆでる場合 - ゆで時間約15分間で十分アルファ化されていること
That it is fully gelatinized boiled in time about 15 minutes - if you boil
As raw noodles , Yudemen , steamed noodles , fried noodles , Hanseimen and frozen food , noodles you noodle - molding a cereal flour of wheat flour or the like as the main raw material
Our location is not in Kagawa Prefecture , but it has been produced by other criteria .